The... Fat Oriole Behind

According to Ji Shanqing's conjecture, Lin Sanjiu had just gained some potential growth value. When she gained that bit of potential growth value, her condition improved. Her mind was still disorganized and muddled. She would also turn to talk to her hallucinations frequently. However, at least, she could understand Ji Shanqing. Using a machine as an analogy, Lin Sanjiu was like an old computer which could still work but would often freeze and crash.

"Press here. Yes. Don't pull your hand away…" Ji Shanqing did not dare to move his eyes away from Lin Sanjiu's hand. As he lifted his body slightly, he wrapped a car seat belt around his body twice. Then, he tied a dead knot. If a living person was wrapped so tightly, they would probably have difficulties breathing. In contrast, Ji Shanqing heaved a sigh of relief when he secured his torn trench coat around his body.