414 Hunter & Hunted

Human skin can be remarkably tough.

The man slurped the piece of red flesh with its skin on, closing his large fat lips together.

Chomp. Chomp.

Thick and juicy, blood oozed from the flesh each time he chewed on it. Blood trickled down his flabby chin disappearing into the folds of skin between his layers of fat. The chewing sounds resounded in the dark, quiet night.

Ji Shanqing wanted to look away, but his eyes were glued to the fat man's masticating mouth. He staggered backward subconsciously and accidentally knocked into the person behind him with a thud.

The sound immediately drew the fat man's attention. He looked up. His face was still buried in his victim's flesh and fat. He looked at Ji Shanqing with his crazed eyes, and Ji Shanqing snapped back to reality. Realizing that Lin Sanjiu was somehow standing behind him, he heaved a sigh of relief. However, due to that shock, he was already covered in a cold sweat.