On the Verge Of Getting Unwrapped

Most of the faces that popped from the building expressed a disordered mental state.

When Ji Shanqing and Lin Sanjiu recoiled, a face above them that resembled the toadstool guffawed. As if he had seen the funniest thing in the world, his hysterical and joyous laughter was so loud it echoed through the sky.

"See," the fat man said while remaining standing in his position. He put on a gentle expression as he spoke, "Though we are all Jaegers, I never intended to share the meat with them. The portion I have will only last me for nine days, so consider your sister lucky, for she's fortunate enough to have a taste of this precious deliciousness. Here, take this to your sister."

He sounded like accepting that portion of small intestine was like a gift from a queen.

Ji Shanqing remained silent, tightening his jaw.