Placing A Seed In The Soil Is The First Step

After all human activities had stopped for more than two years, the skies on this planet became unbelievably blue. As vines and weeds grew uncontrollably, the abandoned city gradually gained layers and layers of greenery. Groundwater formed tiny streams along the red pavement bricks as it escaped through the cracks in the ground. Whenever a breeze swept through the city, it brought along beautiful white clouds that decorated the sky. 

Without humans, nature went unchecked and the planet started to flourish beautifully in its own unique way.

The wind was getting strong. Ji Shanqing brushed away his wind-tousled hair that hindered his view and turned to look at Lin Sanjiu who was beside him. 

"Sis, do you want to go down?" he asked as he looked down at street which was almost a 100 meters below them. "It is getting chilly on the rooftop. And, you haven't eaten for a week."