The Seeds Must Be Well-Watered During The Seed Stage 1

Lin Sanjiu did not expect that the seven people that were 'planted' before her would actually be in the same subterranean chamber as her. This semi-circular subterranean chamber was much larger than the previous chamber she was in. The height and area of the place were about the size of a hotel lobby. There were three small doors at the other end of the chamber. The was a paper on the first door to the left. The words on the paper read "No. 42 to No. 49".

"This… So, you guys came here before me," Lin Sanjiu remarked as her eyes swept over the people before her. She took note of all the numbered tags they were wearing. In the dark, subterranean chamber, their numbered tags were the only thing that glowed faintly so they seemed more conspicuous than their owners. "Why are you gathered here?"