The Siren And The Return Of Mrs. Manas

The moonlight lit the ruins of the pitch-black mall, filling it with a silvery white mist. The mall seemed almost alive, as if it was breathing quietly in the dark silence. The slow melody in the distance drifted toward them from an unknown direction. The ethereal tune sounded like it was almost from a dream. It was hauntingly beautiful, yet a little creepy.

Lin Sanjiu froze for a moment. Suddenly, a tear rolled down her cheek uncontrollably. She reached for her face hastily wanting to wipe it with the back of her hand. Feeling the beard on her face, she immediately snapped back to reality. When she looked around, she found Qing Jiuliu was sitting beside her. Neither of them knew how long they had been sitting. They didn't even know when they sat down themselves.