Are You Going To Let Me Speak?

No matter how many times Qing Jiuliu jabbed the mermaid or hassled it, the Special Item would only sing that strange song when he held it.

"Quit it," Lin Sanjiu quickly stopped Qing Jiuliu when her vision went blurry. "I guess the whistling is from the mall," Lin Sanjiu said as she turned back and looked at the ruins behind them.

"You're not planning to go back to investigate that sound, right?" Qing Jiuliu stuffed the mermaid back into his pocket. "Typically, horror movies start that way."

"My life is already a horror movie," Lin Sanjiu replied mildly. She surveyed the ruins again before she looked away. "But I need to do something more important now. I don't have the time to investigate… Let's go."

Qing Jiuliu followed her lethargically.

It was almost as if that whistle was just figment of their imagination. As they walked further and further away, they did not hear that whistling sound again.