Lil' Sesame Took The Bait

New fact: Puppeteer was not a man who could quickly adapt to a new situation.

Lin Sanjiu tripped and rolled on the ground right after she escaped another assault from a jellyfish. She raised her eyes, and her heart skipped a beat at what she saw. With every motion of his hand, Puppeteer summoned school after school of jellyfish, raising them from the sea and into the sky.

"Wait! Listen to me!" Lin Sanjiu conjured a vortex and sent it towards an incoming jellyfish. The jellyfish jiggled then dissipated, but Lin Sanjiu knew full well that reducing their numbers by one or two would not affect the tide of the battle in any sense.

"What do you want to say?" Puppeteer pierced her with a gloomy stare. He walked forward, his boots creaking against the ground.