Just Keep Searching

Lin Sanjiu's face turned pale with pain after receiving a few jabs from the jellyfish. Her back was wet with cold sweat. Another swarm of tentacles swung before her eyes, a sight so bizarre it made her heart shudder with fear, but Lin Sanjiu did not shrink back. She gritted her teeth and stood firm on the ground without moving a step.

The tentacles stopped a few inches in front of her. Then Puppeteer's voice rang out in a freezing tone. "Why have you stopped running?"

"Those Veda have analyzed the Pocket Dimension and replicated a version of their own… I know you don't believe me, but in any case, I don't think we should keep on fighting each other," Lin Sanjiu said, sucking air in to lessen the pain. "I hope that you can see who the real enemy is now. We know too little about them, so we must not let them get to us!"

With a snap of his finger, the jellyfish disappeared. The dark figure stood in front of the cash register, but he did not say anything.