Elusive Lin Sanjiu

Lin Sanjiu had never been so hell-bent on wanting to seek revenge on Puppeteer before.

Struck by the lead ball, she flew across the sky, pulled herself up from the ground, rushed back to the running track, only to be hit by another lead ball again. It seemed like she only needed to pull through this cycle for a minute, and she would be free from this hellhole. However, somehow, she greatly underestimated the intensity of the lead ball at the last minute.

Puppeteer's order had the same power as the rules of the game. The moment he barked his request, the remaining contenders and puppets pulled out all the stops. Hail after hail of lead balls was flung into the sky, looking like a tsunami determined to gobble everything in its path down.

When Lin Sanjiu was once again sent skyward by a lead ball, a large "4" digit appeared on the ground.