The Superiority Of Socialism

What Lin Sanjiu did not know was that her escape was forged with the lives of people.

Given their situation, she was confident that all three of them would be finished if she remained indecisive. Setting her jaw tight, Lin Sanjiu ordered Mrs. Manas to take care of the Higher Consciousness before changing the rocket to its highest speed.

Just as she charged towards the running track at her top speed, she sent her Higher Consciousness forward to intercept the blizzard of lead balls. She wanted to knock them down before they could touch her. This was, indeed, a brilliant idea, and although it was challenging to carry out such a feat, it was not impossible.

The only thing Lin Sanjiu did not know was that her action had sent a dozen shot putters towards death.

Runners were fast. You could hardly notice them when they zoomed past your line of sight, let alone try to hit them with a lead ball.