The Ultimate Fate Of A Grand Prize (3)

"You fell for it, fool."

Zeus's voice had always been grating and detestable. However, at that moment, it far exceeded the entire meaning of the word 'detestable'. It evoked a deep level of abhorrence that sent chills through a person's blood, bones and veins. It stirred an urge to eradicate all those faces and squish them like bugs.

The posthumans in warfare were stumped by the situation. They stood still in their own positions for almost three whole seconds. They wore stiff expressions as if they'd just woken up from a long dream.

Apparently, one of the reasons for their apprehension was that they had just been released from their "influenced'' state. They had not fully processed the fact that they had all attacked Puppeteer together due to having been bribed by a person's ability. Some of the posthumans who finally realized what they'd done were aghast. They could not believe that they were still alive, though all of them were wounded.