Life-saving Grand Prize

"Lord Puppeteer!" 

There was no creature in the world that could beat Soulsqn in quirkiness. No sooner had the crowd of Zeus taken their first step than the flesh worm took to her heels and charged straight at Puppeteer. Her massive body rustled against the carpet as she continued to move forward and shouted, "Lord Puppeteer!"

The Zeus were truly fast. One arrived next to the flesh worm the moment she called out for Puppeteer. When she yelled for the second time, the Zeus stretched his arm forward and seized her by the nape of her neck, dragging her backward and lifting her up. It was already too late by the time Puppeteer realized what was happening, as the crowd of Zeus had fallen back to the ocean with their leverage.

Once all the Zeus had retreated to the sea, only then did the second half of the flesh worm's sentence ring out into the air, "Help me!" 

As soon as she finished speaking, she also seemed to realize her situation.