Finally, You Are Here

Faster, I have to go faster...

The sound of the wind that swept past her and the light crunch of furniture as she stepped on them bypassed the toilet paper and flooded her ears. 

Lin Sanjiu had been running on full tilt for several minutes. She had thrown all caution to the wind, and there was only one thought in her mind—how to get back to the location where she met Eggy as quickly as she could.

She pressed both her palms to the back of a settee and leaped over it. Hardly had the tips of her toes touched the floor, then she bounced up again. She grabbed the top of a cupboard and climbed on top of it. Her actions were mechanical, and she kept every motion as fluid as possible to increase her speed. Her eyes would search for a spot to land on or something to support herself, then her brain would command her body to follow up with either climbing, jumping, or running.