The Truth

Perhaps because Lin Sanjiu accidentally made some noise when she was scurrying around, the figure in front of her stopped chomping on Lucy's flesh and raised his large, rounded head.

"Who's there?"

Eggy's voice sounded muffled because his mouth was full of human flesh. He got up from the floor with the help of his four tiny limbs while his white bulging eyes glimmered in the dark. He soon picked up Lin Sanjiu's scent and turned his head towards the row of cabinets where she was hiding.

"Have you returned, Sister?" Eggy asked softly, "I can smell your scent."

A chunk of meat fell from the corner of his lips. He caught it midair and stuffed it back into his mouth.

'He can smell my scent?'

The thought made her pause and lose her concentration. By the time she returned to her senses, Eggy had already come up to her and was staring at her through the slit.