Silvan's Suggestion

The crowd began filing out of the building through the main entrance. Lim Sanjiu waited patiently until there was no one left in the hall, and only then did she rise to her feet. Standing next to her was a hexahedron-shaped robot; it raised its yellowish eye and gave Lin Sanjiu an unenthusiastic glance. 

With a hanging heart, Lin Sanjiu tiptoed to the room. As she approached the room, she found the door was left ajar. Letting out a deep breath, she pushed the door open and walked into the room.

The room was spacious, and there was a large mahogany table in the center. The lights were off, so the entire table was shrouded in darkness. 

On the very far end of the room, right opposite the door, the window had become a slim square of light. And standing in front of the window was a lean, slender figure that silhouetted against the bright sky. His hands rested firmly on the windowsill, and he stood as firm as a ramrod.