Put On My Uniform

Just as Lin Sanjiu wanted to put her mask back on, Silvan interrupted. "This mask is one of the products of the Munitions Factory."

It seemed that he still hadn't realized the mask was imitated using the [Battle Item]. He gently pushed Lin Sanjiu's arm down as he took the mask away. "It's a miracle that you managed to slip into the factory with it. Now that Percival Levin has tightened his guard, this mask won't get you anywhere."

"This mask was produced by the Munitions Factory?" Lin Sanjiu asked, as she hadn't known this at all. At a glance, the mask looked just like a piece of human skin. The only thing special about it was that no matter how meticulous she was, she would not be able to find the edge of the mask. It seemed like its edge had merged with the air, and when she had a second look, she felt dizzy, a phenomenon that occurred when there was a slight cognitive disorder in the human brain.