The Battlefield Of Mozart

Lin Sanjiu couldn't quite remember what happened afterward. It was like looking at a flower through fog; she felt that she remembered everything but when she tried to recall it, all that appeared in her mind was merely some fuzzy images. 

There were times when she was lingering at the border between sleep and consciousness, and distant music would play out in her mind and leave her very confused. Up until now, she still couldn't be sure whether her memory had gone askew or if there was really a low susurration from the speakers along the street on that day when she was in the Reverie Libretto. 

Yu Yuan raised his head and looked ahead. A playful smile touched his lips, but it did not reach his eyes. The wolf head on his cheek pulled out of shape as he talked, "I think I have an idea on how to keep going forward while talking."

'He didn't hear the noise?'