Boxing Hele… Lin Sanjiu?

There were no lights on in the second floor. The only light source came from the swaying flame that spilled through the windows on the wall, which were distant from one another, causing the entire corridor to fall into a limbo of light and dark. Peering outside through the window, the sky was red, looking as if somebody had spilled an entire bucket of red paint onto a canvas.

Both of them moved with bated breath up the stairs.

The door had been restored to its original condition. It seemed as if the fight had never happened here previously. Carefully and quietly, Lin Sanjiu pressed herself tight up against the door. She put one eye right up to the slit. First, she looked around, fearful that Mayor Orlean might somehow be watching her.

But the room was empty; there was no one there. Aside from the massive lifelike depiction of the black mountain that took up the entire wall, she could not see Mayor Orlean anywhere.