The Sky Has Cleared Up

Lin Sanjiu's heart went pit-a-pat when she heard a clicking noise from the two white barrels. She hastily asked, "Hold on a second! What do you mean by the ultimate form?"

"I suggest you drop the thought. There is no way you can save yourself this time." 

Standing in the center of the pile of rubble, Mayor Orlean glanced at her through the corner of his eyes, his cheeks high and ruddy. Just as Lin Sanjiu thought he wasn't going to go on anymore, Mayor Orlean opened his mouth, a triumphant smile flashing on his face. "You know what? I guess you are right. Perhaps I should leave you a bit more time to spend with your arms and legs intact. After all, I am the benevolent Mayor Orlean."

Ironically enough, Lin Sanjiu and Yu Yuan were the only ones he could really talk to in Peanut Town. His plan was about to succeed, and it would be too sad if there was no one for him to share his victorious moment with.