Rebuilding The Ruins

Followed by a sudden palpitation, Lin Sanjiu cracked her eyelids open and drew in a harsh breath. She was woken up by a growing fear of oversleeping. After she fell into a slumber, Mrs. Manas had been assaulting her with waves of warning to wake her up. It was not a pleasant experience, but it was extremely effective.

For a person who had not slept for several days, a 30-minute nap could do nothing but worsen her condition. Her brain hurt as if someone was hammering her head and she felt woozy. Every time she blinked her eyes, it was a torturous process as her eyelids grazed her eyeballs. 

The pocket dimension remained quiet. It seemed that it did not care if she was sleeping or not. 

"Look for the exit, huh…" She dragged herself up from the ground and took in her surroundings. The ruin was large. It was at least a hundred, no, maybe a thousand square meters wide. She could not tell.