A Billionaire Who Plays With Trash

Ever since Lin Sanjiu evolved, she had destroyed a number of buildings, yet this was her first time reconstructing one. 

Worse still, reconstruction was far more difficult than she expected, especially when she realized there was a time limit to the [Power Of Word Picture]. Every 30 minutes, she had to repeat the description of the building again to prevent it from returning to ruins. However, the silver lining was that there was no restriction using this Special Item, and there was no lag time between each activation. She wondered if she could use the Special Item to make a spaceship. 

If Yu Yuan was still alive, then he could take Exodus with him...

"Can you stop pacing around?" Mrs. Manas asked again, "You connected half of the floor and made two walls. Then? What is next?"

"Good question." Lin Sanjiu stood in the corner and rubbed her temples. Her head was still hurting from the incident earlier on. "Let me think…"