
Mogensha’s expression turned grave upon such a provocation. This black dude was obviously not going to take this lying down. Spitting his phlegm, he erected a middle finger. When the duelling begun, Mogensha immediately exploited the weakness of a glock’s firing range. He turned and dashed towards the nearby forest, obviously trying to use its complicated terrain to deal with Eros. While he ran, he concurrently turned to fire.

Such a move was fairly common. Prince Stalo exposed his admiration through his eyes, then he faintly shook his head.

Blazing-hot bullets propelled in, clashing mere centimetres from Eros’s periphery before rebounding off in ripples. Eros maintained an unhurried posture, inching forward with each step! Until Mogensha entered his firing range then he immediately raised his pistol and opened fire!

Currently, the crowd was aghast to discover; though Eros had been walking while Mogensha running, the former had exceeded the latter in speed!!!