A Sand pike

When Mogensha’s bullet whistled in, it directly penetrated the soldier’s face and through his brains; finally drilling out from the back of his skull. Due to its massive kinetic swirls, it ripped a huge chunk of brains out in the process.

The audience gazed on in horror, as the soldier’s expression convulsed grotesquely. From his back view, one could see a bowl-sized black hole, bloodied brain fluids draining out like tree sap!

Eros’s gaze turned colder, immediately summoning the other American soldier to return. A cannon fodder existed to be sacrificed, yet mindless sacrifice was definitely foolish. This was a male that thoroughly understood his weaknesses and strength.

After pondering, he actually gave up pursuing Mogensha and turned around to leave, while pulling the gap between himself and Mogensha further. Ultimately, he held the superior advantage here. When time was up, victory would naturally be his.

This was simply retreating to advance!