Hair of the deceased

As the saying goes, all is revealed once a connoisseur judges.

Upon observing how Blacksail moved in the water, Sheyan understood he wasn’t simply bragging.

Biting a pitch-black knife in his mouth, Blacksail quickly swarm to Sheyan’s side before maintaining a vigilant protection.

The pitch-black seawater stretched out endlessly, appearing like the bottomless abyss; hidden beneath, were countless untold perils.

Treading along the water surface, Sheyan took a deep breath before diving towards the bottom of the ship; while borrowing the incandescence of the torches above.

Within the deeper regions of the sea, he could discern numerous smooth black chains coiling together, stretching towards the ship’s bow in concentrated interwoven fashion. Indeed, this was the culprit hindering their voyage.

Sheyan directly swam towards those black chains with bold audacity. As he approached, he inspected them while borrowing the incandescence from above.