
Brother Black’s current offensive might was pretty outstanding, and truthfully only required several gunshots to melt through the 1000 HP ‘Algae Bubble Shield’.

The ‘Algae Bubble Shield’ pressured under the numerous explosions, and finally popped violently; releasing inundating bubbles.

Finally, the fiendish Chupacabra emerged from within.

This was a beast analogous to the Plesiosaurus dinosaur. Its body was covered in thin black scales, while its glossy periphery formed into a spindle shape. A layer of thin mucus smeared over its scales while fins propelled out of the front of its four limbs. At the tip of its limbs, were incredibly sharp claws. A massive plumpy tail stuck out of its back.

The enraged Chupacabra roared sonorously after receiving a sudden barrage, as it swiftly darted towards the ship.