Dispersed dashing

With that one move, Sheyan fulfilled his obligation as the vice MT. Moreover, that Deathmarsh Great Crocodile whose head he repeatedly slashed earlier, would definitely pursue him relentlessly.

Meanwhile, another Deathmarsh Great Crocodile, who was allured by the blood-curdling scream and the stench of blood, was originally planning to spear towards Reef’s group. However, after receiving a bullet in the ass, it instantly roared indignantly. Splashing into the water, it meandered in an ‘S’ shape in tight pursuit of Sheyan.

In this manner, Sheyan single-handedly managed to entice the attention of two Deathmarsh Great Crocodile, thus lowering the pressure on Reef greatly!

Instead, the pressure on Sheyan had amplified. His only consolation was that 16 metres boost from the tail whip earlier, providing him with an additional buffering gap to escape.