Parasite blowgun

Fixated on Mbenga, that masked Ndipaya barbarian raised his pike to thrust down.

All of a sudden, the scar on Mbenga’s forehead swelled redly as he frenetically howled out several gibberish words.

In the next second, that Ndypaya barbarian turned sluggish; which was probably Mbenga’s ability that involved stunning with furious verbal beratement.

Seizing this opportunity, Sheyan bent his back and speared forth by activating ‘Horn Rage’. Within a split second, he collided into that barbarian and knocked him into a stunned state.

Without hesitating, Sheyan raised his saber and hacked down onto the barbarian’s pike-wielding arm!

Noticing that the Ndipaya barbarian’s mask was crafted with wood superior to the wooden shields he seized the last night, Sheyan reckoned its defence was exceedingly outrageous. Hence, he wisely avoided aiming for those deadly vital spots.