Fighting for ones Life!

Just as Yue Zhong caught sight of the Wolf Fang Battalion, he suddenly felt an intense danger, as he immediately dodged to the side, and out of their sights.

Peng! Peng!

Following the sounds of 6 gunshots, 6 bullets landed on Yue Zhong's original position. These were bullets fired by the snipers of the Wolf Fang Battalion hidden away from plain sight. If he had reacted just a little slower, he would have likely been shot dead.

The commander of the Wolf Fang Battalion, Wu Dahui, looked to his short comrade of not more than 1.5m beside him and asked: "Chang Xin, did you manage to memorize his features? What's his background?"

Chang Xin possessed an eidetic memory, and he had the active ability [God's Eyes]. The moment he activated this skill, within his field of vision, he could see up to a distance of 6km, even something as small as a single needle on the ground.