Moving Forward

Yue Zhong and White Bones came back to Chen Yao with their bodies covered in blood, as Yue Zhong spoke sternly: "Chen Yao! I'm handing this town to you! I'll give you one day, I need you to completely control this town in one day. Make sure that all the Chinese regain their vitality, can you do this?"

The current 200 prisoners that were mostly made up of Chinese were extremely weak, even after wolfing down the Type 2 Meat, they still required a day's rest to recover. Without a whole day's rest, they would not be able to embark on any journey, in fact they might just perish along the way.

Chen Yao's eyes flashed as she spoke resolutely: "No problem! Yue Zhong, set your mind at ease! I will take care of this town properly!"