Terrifying Level 70 Devourer!

A glint flashed in Yue Zhong's eyes, and instead of waiting for the Devourers to reach him, he took the initiative to charge forwards and slice another of the remaining Devourers in two.

After consecutively killing 3 Devourers, the remaining Devourers reached his side and attacked.

Yue Zhong correspondingly released the Gravity Manipulation skill, and a force immediately began pressing down on the Devourers, causing their bodies to shudder, and their movements were finally slowed.

The Devil Flame Sword in Yue Zhong's hands slashed out, leaving shadows in its wake. That single movement aimed at the Devourers who suddenly came to a stop, and the remaining Devourers found their bodies sliced apart, blood spraying everywhere.

"Congratulations on reaching Level 61, and gaining 2 points of attributes to be allocated."

Yue Zhong heaved a sigh of relief, and allocated those points to his Agility.