Tank Destroyed!

The Devourer had just struck the 3 bone spikes away, when an unexpected Devil Flame Spear came whistling in from the back, and instantly pierced its head, causing it to explode into foul, smoking chunks!

"Congratulations on achieving Level 62, you have gained 2 attribute points to be allocated."

The moment Yue Zhong killed the Level 70 Devourer, a huge orb of experience had floated into his body, instantly pushing him to reach another level.

Yue Zhong swiftly allocated the points to his Agility, before a huge sense of crisis welled up in him, and he instantly shot backwards in retreat.

Only to discover, that within the horde of zombies, a number of Level 70 Devourers were galloping towards his direction.

These Level 70 Devourers, with the protection of the ordinary zombies, possessed the power to destroy a tank. While they had no way of actually demolishing the entire armor of the tank, they could tear apart the roof of the tanks, and assault the soldiers within.