Defeating the Zombie Horde!

Yue Zhong eyed the swift S2s and his brows furrowed: "Damn it! Those Z-Types have learned how to launch a night assault?!"

Battling at night was the toughest for humans. In the night, their vision was limited and could not exhibit 100% of their combat prowess.

The 10,000 S2s attacking at night was even more terrifying than 200,000 ordinary zombies. The moment the S2s got close, it would be devastating for the normal soldiers. Furthermore, Yue Zhong was unwilling to utilize the little heavy artillery he had against those S2s.

Yue Zhong eyed those S2s and mulled for a moment, before he unleashed a howl towards the skies.

Hearing that howl, Lightning and its brothers, which were enjoying munching on the zombie corpses, released a howl in reply, and charged out from the jungle, pouncing towards the S2s.