Cleaning Up


Yue Zhong eyed Chen Sheng Yong coolly and said: "You can be the Commander of the 3rd Battalion here in Lang Son for now."

Only then, did the nervous Chen Sheng Yong heaved a sigh of relief. He was like a lamb awaiting slaughter, afraid that Yue Zhong would go back on his words. If Yue Zhong wanted to execute him, he wouldn't even have the chance to hear Yue Zhong giving any dogshit position, much less resist.

Yue Zhong kept his stare on Chen Sheng Yong, handing him a bomb on a platter: "I want the names of all those who had participated in slaughtering and humiliating the Chinese here in Lang Son. You'd better get this matter done properly."

Under Yue Zhong's command, the number of people who understood Vietnamese were not little, however, Yue Zhong had given such a dirty task to Chen Sheng Yong. The moment he did this, he would offend too many Vietnamese. This would allow Yue Zhong to utilize him with less worry.