

With the cruel conditions of war, slaughtering ordinary civilians was still common in modern times, often, there would be news of civilians suffering as a result of war. In the most recent history of China, there was the Nanking Massacre, or "Rape of Nanking" as more commonly known.

Chen Sheng Yong was worried that in his anger, Yue Zhong might just massacre the entire city. Although Chen Sheng Yong wasn't any saint himself, he could not bear to watch over a hundred thousand of his countrymen being slaughtered.

Yue Zhong pondered silently before replying: "All those scum whose hands have been covered in the blood of the Chinese, I will definitely not spare! Those who didn't participate, fine, I can leave them with their lives. This is my bottom line. Go back and tell Chen Sheng Yong. Also, if he serves me wholeheartedly, I can grant him a commander position. Go back!"