Artificial Intelligence!

When the rest of the girls saw how Yue Zhong took out Zhang Li without hesitation, their hearts chilled.

Even Lu Rong, who had approached Yue Zhong to help, felt fear and backed up a few steps. If this man in front of her could kill without blinking, he wasn’t anyone merciful.

Yue Zhong looked at them and spoke to what seemed to be blank air, "Saka, you protect them."

After that, Yue Zhong disappeared from the room.

By now, because of Zhang Li’s scream, the entire building had raised the alarm.

Wei Xian’s subordinates had begun to move, and Yue Zhong had not left far from the room when he saw 4 gun-toting militants.

The 4 of them charged at Yue Zhong the moment they saw him.

However, Yue Zhong disappeared right in front of their eyes, reappearing behind them.

At the next instant, the bodies of the militants split apart, as large amounts of blood splattered everywhere, dying the hallway. Normal people could not catch Yue Zhong’s movements at all.