Mars No.1!

Yue Zhong was shocked, and he said solemnly, "Bring me there!"

Computers had an advantage over humans, that was the disregard for rest. Ordinary people cannot function without sufficient rest, as for computers, even running for a few months was no problem. Gaining the artificial intelligence would only spell benefits for Yue Zhong.

Song Ben replied, "Yes!"

Under his lead, Yue Zhong came to a small room beside the main satellite building, and revealed a tunnel.

The tunnel went on for quite a distance, before a huge electronic gate appeared in front of the 2 of them.

Song Ben pointed to the door and spoke apologetically to Yue Zhong, "This is the place where the supercomputer is kept. To enter, one must have the security clearance. I only know of this place, but I don’t possess the security clearance. I’ve been in there a few times to conduct maintenance, but it was under the lead of other higher-ups."