Gaining 8 Forts!

Hearing this order, all the commanders exchanged looks. Such an order was extremely strange, it was the first time in the hundreds of years that such an order was given.

One of the captains could not help but ask, "General! This subordinate would like to know the reason!"

Qing Yuan's face turned cold, "This is a secret of His Majesty. You're not qualified to know. Immediately carry out my command, execute those who resist."


The faces of all the commanders paled, and they responded quickly, not daring to ask any further questions.

Although they were at the borders, many of them had relations with the Capital, and they knew about the recent developments of the King Wei Ming Qing and his insanity recently. Those that had dared disobeyed his orders had already been eradicated. If they did not want to die, they had to maintain their silence, otherwise, if they were executed by Qing Yuan, no one would feel seek justice for them.