Han Qiong!

Zheng Yan He frowned slightly; he had never heard this name before. "Yue Zhong?"

He continued, "You say that the 13th to 20th Forts are already in your grasp, how do you prove it?"

"This is easy!" Shao Yun chuckled, and pulled out a signal flare, before firing it to the sky. A bright flash soared, exploding out in the clouds with bright colors.

Soon, similar flares appeared in the skies above the 13th to the 20th Fort, exploding out, signaling a reply to Shao Yun.

Zheng Yan He eyed the 8 bright flares, falling silent for quite a while. He then looked at Shao Yun and asked gravely, "What does your lord hope that I do?"

Shao Yun rejoiced inwardly when he heard it, "If possible, our lord hopes that you can agree to join him, and fight against Wei Ming Qing. After the battle is over, he will offer a princely reward."

Zheng Yan He's mouth curled slightly in contempt, "Princely reward? If I do not agree, what does he intend to do then?"