Remorseful Tsar!

Zano looked towards Andras and asked respectfully, "Your Majesty, what do we do now?"

Andras closed his eyes, lying against the sofa, and touched it lightly. He replied in a soft manner as though speaking to himself, "We can't stay in Novosibirsk any longer. If that fellow sends an advance force, it would be enough to injure and kill many of us. Once the main force arrives, we will only have death."

All of a sudden, he opened his eyes and asked, "How are things over at Outer Mongolia?"

He had been fighting on the front lines these few days, deploying his forces and fending off the zombies. He was exhausted and had not kept a grasp on the intelligence of the outside world.

Zano replied, "We had already established some form of secure base in Outer Mongolia. The terrain is decent, and the defenses are being set up right now."