Beast Transformation Technology!

"That's right! Sir Edward has also returned! What did he bring back?"

"Great Elder, let us take a look at the power that Sir Edward had brought back."


The various Elders within the Council began to buzz out in a discussion, looking towards Jonas in expectation.

The 1st Apostle Edward was one of the 3 heads of the Kingdom of God, possessing authority and strength. Only the other 2 heads were qualified to know where he went, as well as the intelligence that he provided.

Jonas, who looked 10 years younger than he did in the past, slowly eyed everybody, before turning to the pretty secretary beside him and waved his hands.

The good-looking secretary immediately walked over while shaking her hips seductively, inserting a disc into the projector.

Soon, the images flashed and revealed a glass laboratory.

A single human soldier walked into the lab, getting onto the single bed before a few alloy cuffs appeared to lock his limbs.