Turning Zombies into Ash with a Wave of a Hand!

With the natural terrain, as well as the efforts of the experts, the zombies were kept at bay, prevented from entering the mountain gorge.

After battling intensely for an entire day, the zombies still could not breach the gorge.

The valley was too narrow, and unless the zombies activated their winged counterparts or the intelligent ones to launch an assault, there was no way to breach the pass.

The battle continued for some time, while Big-nose Liu went back towards the base silently.

Early the next morning, Yue Hai Min had a look of excitement as he told the rest, "The leader of the central government is here, let's go welcome him."

Many of them exchanged glances. While some were reluctant, they still followed behind.

"Ai! What is that?!"

"Is that a spaceship?! Holy shit!"

"Did the Martians already invade Earth?!"


These commanders all turned to look at the sky, their eyes filled with shock.