
The base at Sichuan was different from others, under the protection of the soldiers, they had maintained some form of stability. Although many of them were somewhat malnourished due to the lack of resources, at least they were orderly and not as problematic as other places, where the evil-doers ran rampant, and corpses were everywhere.

Yue Zhong had just swept the base a rough glance and did not pay any special attention. He knew that it was likely cleaned up, and one could not tell much.

The party walked into a large wooden house that looked clean and tidy.

With an order from Yue Hai Min, a lot of food was then served.

Due to the scarcity of food, even rats had been eaten clean.

The most appetizing of the food served was a plate of some roasted rat meat, with some peanut grains, while the main dish was dry biscuits and wild vegetables.