Killing Halledor!

Halledor laughed out coldly, as some spheres flew out from his back, surrounding his body.

Within the spheres, beams shot out at Yue Zhong. These beams were capable of tearing apart a Type 6 powerhouse.

Halledor was only one person, but with the aid of these spheres, his firepower was equivalent to a squadron of ranged Mech Beasts.

Yue Zhong's figure flickered, dodging those beams like a specter, at the same time, he activated the energy shield.


Under the relentless assault of the laser beams, Yue Zhong continued to dodge, but the energy shield was still struck by one of the beams.

When the beam slammed into the shield, it rocked the entire defense system, almost crushing it. Although it managed to withstand the hit, the resulting recoil sent Yue Zhong flying back a few meters.

Seeing that the assault was successful, the beams adjusted and turned into a fire net that enveloped Yue Zhong.