Comprehending the Flame Domain!

After regaining his strength, Yue Zhong turned to glare at the rest of the Type 7 Mechs coldly. He let out an icy laugh, before flickering away. As a human, he was bound to be at loggerheads with the Mech Kingdom, it was naturally impossible to forge any relationships.

"So arrogant!! What a reckless kid."

"Truly prideful, I wonder how far he can go like that?"


The hearts of the Type 7 Mechs were filled with dissatisfaction, as they began to gossip. However, no one went to challenge him.

As he arrived in front of the main battleship of the Mech Kingdom, Yue Zhong grabbed the huge container and dragged it out.

Soon after, the rest of the Type 7 Mechs returned as well, embarking on the battleship.

Once they were all on board, the huge battleship began to fire up, spitting out huge jet streams, turning into a flash of light as it shot towards the distance.