The Civil Affairs Bureau

It was an ordinary working day, so the staff went to the office at eight o'clock. The janitor had already finished her job, and the officers were already at their posts.

Actually, getting a marriage registration was quite a simple process. All one had to do was bring all the required paperwork and the staff would help them complete the process.

The first couple they welcomed that day was a little weird. It was a tall man with a pretty girl. They were a good match look-wise, if one ignored the man's clothes.

Although it was a chilly winter day, it was unnecessary for him to wear both a scarf and a hat. Plus, he was also wearing a pair of huge sunglasses. He was looking around nervously as he walked.

He does not seem like a good man.

Sister Li was a government official, so she was a very smart woman. No evil man could fool her sharp eyes.

She was sitting behind the desk, when she asked them worriedly, "Are you here for a marriage registration?"