Growing Old Together

The photo radiated with a subtle warmth. Anyone who looked at it felt happy.

Sister Li took the photo and taped it on the certificate. Then the official seals of the legal registration were stamped on the paper. She pushed the two certificates towards Qin Guan and Cong Nianwei and pointed to the bigger room across the hallway.

This was a new step of the process that aimed to add a sense of sacredness to the ceremony and make couples understand the importance of marriage.

All the couples took their oaths before the national flag and the country's emblem. It was a small wedding ceremony held by the government that added some warmth to the formal procedure.

The couple stood in front of the background and read the words along with the master of the ceremony.

If this had been a fantasy novel, the words would have been a curse. However, the young couple only felt the sweetness of their new reality.