Consolidating Equipment Master Followers (3)

A notion struck Zhou Weiqing and he asked: “Is there some limit to the number of Followers a Consolidating Equipment Master can bind?”

The middle aged man replied: “Not really, there isn’t a direct limit. However, a follower’s cultivation requirements and daily needs are paid for by the Consolidating Equipment Master. As such, it is very rare that a Consolidating Equipment Master would bind more than five Followers, as it would put too much pressure on them as well. However, their Followers are likely powerful beings in their own right. For example, those Zong Stage Consolidating Equipment Masters, most likely their Follower are also Zong Stage Heavenly Jewel Masters or the like, and they may not even want ordinary Jewel Masters as their Followers. It’s possible Master Yun Li has something urgent to do, otherwise with his potential, he wouldn’t be accepting ordinary Jewel Masters to be his Followers.