Battle Between Consolidating Equipment Masters! (1)

As Master Yun Li walked slowly towards Zhou Weiqing’s desk, he saw the words written on the sign, and a look of scorn and disgust appeared in his expression. Lifting his hands, the air seemed to twist and ripple, and the sign was actually torn into pieces.

“What are you doing?” Shangguan Bing’er cried out angrily, but was held back by Zhou Weiqing.

Zhou Weiqing looked at Yun Li lazily, and Yun Li said coldly: “I could not care less whether or not you want to gather Followers here, but do not insult the name of God Tier Consolidating Equipment Masters. How old are you? Are you even twenty? You dare claim you are a Mid Level Consolidating Equipment Master?”

Zhou Weiqing smiled and said: “Claim? Have you even tested the fact?” Yun Li scoffed disdainfully, turning to leave, as if speaking to Zhou Weiqing was an insult to him.

Zhou Weiqing laughed and said loudly: “So you’re just a braggart who talks loudly but has no real ability.”