Seal of Darkness! (2)

Listening to Zhou Weiqing’s words, Qin Feng also heaved a small sigh of relief. In his, and most others’, eyes, if a Consolidating Equipment Master became a Follower of another Consolidating Equipment Master, it was something rather inconceivable.

The only thing that was in Yun Li’s mind now was a patch of sorrow: So fake, so hypocritical! This guy is truly so fake! Sigh… I wonder how my future will be like under him…

After replying Qin Feng’s question, Zhou Weiqing held Shangguan Bing’er’s hand, and they exchanged looks. Zhou Weiqing wriggled his brow at her in a joking manner. Shangguan Bing’er did not resist, smiling happily at her future husband, her heart full of pride. Right just now, Zhou Weiqing had already used Heavenly Energy and their secret code from the Heavenly Bow Unit to give her a summary of what had happened.